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Lab Setup

The lab server provides a jupyter lab instance for every participant using JupyterHub.


The services that run on the server are:

  • The Little Jupyter Hub (TLJH)
  • live-notes
  • sigma (the dashboard)


Most of the files used by the setup are in /opt.

files - sample files used by the problems
problems - all the problems available via the magic command %load_problem
python-practice-problems - the repository having the problems
sigma - the sigma repository
tljh - TLJH main directory
training - the repository of training notes

Some of these paths are symlinks to other directories.

The URLs

The lab server is typically setup at Sometimes, we use the client name as a prefix (for example arcesium-lab).

The live-notes service is available at and the dashboard is available at

The routing of all these domains is done by the Traefik router which comes as part of TLJH setup. Custom configuration is placed in /opt/tljh/state/rules to enable that.

Restarting Services

Restart JupyterHub:

$ sudo tljh-config reload

Restart Traefik proxy:

$ sudo tljh-config reload proxy

Restart Live Notes:

$ sudo systemctl restart live-notes

Restart dashboard:

$ sudo systemctl restart sigma


Logs can be viewed using journalctl command by passing the service name.

To see the last 50 entries of the log:

$ sudo journalctl -n 50 -u $APP_NAME

To follow the logs (show new messages as they come):

$ sudo journalctl -n 50 -f -u $APP_NAME

JupyterHub Logs

$ sudo journalctl -u jupyterhub

Traefik Proxy Logs

$ sudo journalctl -u traefik

User Server Logs

$ sudo journalctl -u jupyter-<username>

Live Notes Logs

$ sudo journalctl -u live-notes

Dashboard Logs

$ sudo journalctl -u sigma

journalctl tips

Pass -n N to see last N entries. For example:

$ sudo journalctl -u live-notes -n 50

Pass -f to follow the logs to see the live output. For, example:

$ sudo journalctl -u live-notes -n 50 -f


%%load_problem and %%verify_problem not working

This can happen when the juputer startup script is not properly installed for a user.

Sigma install startup script at ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ You can check if that file is missing by running the following command. If the file is missing, it will give an error.

$ sudo ls -l /home/jupyter-<username>/.ipython/profile_default/startup/
-rw-r--r-- 1 jupyter-xxx jupyter-xxx 42 Jun 18 18:39 /home/jupyter-xxx/.ipython/profile_default/startup/

If the file is missing, do the following to create it.

$ sudo su jupyter-<username>
$ cd
$ mkdir -p ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup
$ cd  ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup
$ echo 'from sigma import magic; magic.register()' >

Restart the kernel of the notebook to load the magic commands.