Riyaz CLI
$ pip install riyaz
Create a new project template with riyaz new <project-dir>
$ riyaz new alpha-course
This will create a project structure like:
|-- course.yml
|-- authors/
|-- |-- alice.md
|-- module-1/
|-- |-- getting-started.md
|-- module-2/
|__ |__ more-advanced-things.md
You can see the course in action with:
$ riyaz serve
You can rename the modules and lessons, add/edit content, change the configuration in course.yml
to use the new content. Then again when you want to check how the content wil appear on Riyaz,
you can run riyaz serve
and make final touchups.
When you are ready to push it to the central repository (or another remote), you can run
riyaz push
$ riyaz push
TODO: Add a way to login